BUP program structure
The model file structure is divided in four blocks:
- Entity definition block, where entities are defined.
- Viewpoint block, where variables and parameters are declared.
- Constraints block, where constraints are defined.
- Output block, where custom output is defined.
Entity Definition block
This block is used to define the new entities (a kind of tuples) to be used at the viewpoint.
Viewpoint block
This block is used to define the variables and parameters used to model the problem.
viewpoint :
| <parameterDeclaration>
| <entityDeclaration>
| <arrayDeclaration>
Variable declaration
var bool? <ident>
Param declaration
param <int | bool> <ident>
Entity declaration
<entity_ident> <ident>
Array declaration
Array indexes range from 0 to n-1, where n is the array size.
| <paramDeclaration>
| <entityDeclaration>
> <[<int_expr>]>*
Constraints block
constraints: <<constraint>;>*
Output block
output: <<string>;>*